About Usas establishment Aims and Obejectives of Organisation


Adarsh Saraswati Shiksha Samiti, Sonipat was established in 1988 with an aim of facilitating human development in a sustainable & integrated manner & also alleviation of human suffering & all round amelioration of social especially for the poor, helpless & weaker sections of the society. The organization spreads of the idea of friendship & fraternity amongst the people provides education and helps them to develop moral values; helps to uplift the status of women in the society & works for mother and child health care .. The organization works for rural development, against dowry & victimization of girl / women and provides basic education to children be belonging to under privdeged society. The organization also works for Drugs Addicts & their rehabilitation, senior citizens, provides family counseling as well as vocational training for youth & awareness on HIV/ AIDS & T.B. prevention. Holistic Development of the society is the main thrust of the organization.

Adarsh Saraswati Shiksha Samiti

Statutory Status:

The organization is registered under societies Registration Act of 1860 at Serial No. 2864 Dated 5.2.1988 with the Registrar, Firms & Societies, Haryana, Chandigarh, and also reregistered under Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act 2012 vide Registration No. HR008201300060 Dated 23.4.2013

The NGO School is Permanent Recognized by Education Department Haryana vide letter No. Steno-01/950- 985 dated 14-09-2001.

Registered under Service Provides under Protection of women under domestic violence Act 2005 by women & child Department, Haryana Vide Memo 44797-827 CONS/WCD/2017 Govt. of Haryana dated 15.02.2017.

Registered under Section 52 of Person with Disability (PWD) Act 1995 Vide Registration No. 14/DSWO dated 06-01-2005. The Ngo is Panelist of Panel of Mediators under Rule 3 (b) (1) of Mediation Rule Past IInd of Alternate Dispute Resolution Rule 2003 Vide No. 827 dated 07-02-2007.

Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the NGO AAAAA9443N.

The NGO is registered under Income Tax Exemption Act 80G-12A/URN No. AAAAA9443NF20231

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Contact and Bank Details for Donation

Adarsh Saraswati Shiksha Samiti, Kakroi Road, Sonipat

Account Name: Adarsh Saraswati Shiksha Samiti
Account Number 50100715661960
Bank Name: HDFC Bank,
IFSC Code: HDFC0006324

Account Name: Adarsh Saraswati Shiksha Samiti
Account Number-65045339185
Bank Name: State Bank of India
IFSC Code: SBIN0050251

For Contact : Chief Functionery of the Organization:
Sh. Om Prakash Dahiya, President
Landline Number:01302244440 | (m) +91 9416014026
e-mail: myindiaa@gmail.com | sonipatngo@gmail.com

Scroll down for Aims & Objects



* To provide basic education to children of under privileged section of the society.

* To disseminate information awareness & treatment among people (especially youth) using drug substances and to rehabilitate them.

* To build a sense of security of lives among the deprived aged people by providing them food, shelter and basic amenities of life.

* Empowerment of women by providing self employment training and awareness to raise their voice against social evils rule as domestic violence, exploitations, injustice, sexual harassments, female feticide and to make the women capable of decision making

* To conduct advocacy programs for capacity building and behavioral changes.



* To disseminate adequate information to make the masses aware regarding T.B. , HIV / AIDS & Corona etc.

* To conduct survey work, research and evaluation work of different field of the community

* To make the masses health conscious through yoga and naturopathy.

* Networking with Govt. as well as other NGO working in the operational areas for the development and welfare of the community.

* To involve the community for its participation to strength them the activities of the organization.



* To design developmental activities for adolescents and youth.

* To promote and preserve Indian Culture especially Haryanvi Culture.

* To provide legal advice to counsel the poor people.

* To organize national integration camps.

* To corporate the Govt. administration in natural / national disaster and to take active participation.


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